General FAQ

1. What is a reseller hosting?

A reseller is someone who can resell Easynic domain names and hosting products under their own business brand.

2. Who can become a reseller?

Anybody who has an interest in making money! We have large hosting companies and lots of design companies & entrepreneurs on our books. If you have customers who need hosting and domains and you like to make money - Easynic is for you!

3. How does it work?

Well, if you're interested let us know and we can have a chat to see which package suits you best, then get you going on your new account. Once this is done you simply deposit funds into the account and use these funds to buy your products.

4. How much does it cost to become a reseller?

For more details about our pricing visit Easynic Price list

5. What kind of products and services can I sell under the reseller package?

Each reseller package will allow you to resell various hosting products such as, domain names, web hosting, dedicated servers, email services and more! For detailed info please visit the Easynic Price list

6. As a reseller, how much control will I have over my accounts?

You will have full control of all your accounts! You will be able to activate, delete and suspend accounts. You can also manage accounts in bulk.

7. Can I upgrade my reseller account in the future?

Yes, you can easily upgrade to a higher account anytime by contacting our sales/support team.

8. How long does it take for my reseller account to be activated?

After you register for the service, one of our team will contact you for account activation (usually within 24hrs). Once activated, you may deposit funds in your account and get to work!

9. Will you contact my clients?

No, we will never contact your clients directly. We remain anonymous to your clients. However, if we do find any account violating our terms and conditions, we will suspend it immediately and notify you in the process.

Reseller API

1. Do your software scripts and tools, allow for customers to order online from my website?

Yes. We provide an example domain registration front-end that you can use as a basis for your own. The API will enable you to carry out domain searches and to automate the registration process. You can also purchase services directly through the Easynic control panel.

Domain Names

1. What domain name extensions can I resell with Easynic?

All available domain extensions and prices can be found here

2. How can I transfer domains into my reseller account?

Using the Easynic control panel, you’ll be able to transfer and manage your existing domains easily. If you need assistance, our Support Team are here to help.

4. Can I show my own holding pages?

If you wish to have a custom holding page, you can design this and redirect any domain names that you register to this by default. This feature can be activated in the Easynic control panel.

5. Who owns the domain names registered through Easynic?

For each domain registration, you can specify the owner of the domain, as well as the admin and technical contacts. The owner of the domain name should be your customer, with the admin and technical contacts being set as your reseller details. The WHOIS will show Easyspace as the registrar of record for any domain names registered.

6. How much am I charged to transfer domains to/from Easynic?

For top level domains, you will be charged one year's renewal fee to transfer domains in to Easynic. This is because top level domain names have a year added to their registration during the transfer process. For .uk domains, there is no fee for transfers inwards. For transfers away from Easynic there are no fees for any domain types.

7. When I resell your services can I state on my website that I am an 'ICANN Accredited Registrar'?

Unless you complete the strict accreditation process directly with ICANN, then you may not claim to be an ICANN Accredited registrar.

8. Do we have to use Easynic hosting services on any resold domain names?

There is no requirement for you to specifically use our hosting services on your domain names, however, we do offer competitive rates and packages; for more information, visit the hosting products and services section

9. Do we have to use Easynic domain names with an Easynic hosting package?

Yes, you cannot use an external domain with our hosting packages.

10. Can I change the registrant details on my domain names?

For top level domains, you can easily manage your domain name registrant details from within your Easynic reseller control panel, including the registrant name. For .uk domains, registrant changes must be completed directly with Nominet. Registrant contact details can be managed in your control panel.

11. What would stop Easyspace from taking over my customers?

By becoming an Easynic reseller, you agree to abide by our terms and conditions. This protects both Easynic and you as the reseller. Easynic will only ever take over a client's domains if the reseller breaches the terms and conditions or we cannot contact you for longer than 5 days.


1. Do I get a refund of my deposit when I close my reseller account?

If you decide to close your account with Easynic, we will refund the balance, less any amounts outstanding.

2. Why do I need to deposit funds in my account?

We require an opening balance or float to open an Easynic account. We take USD (United States dollar) or GBP (Pounds Sterling). Funds deposited with Easynic will be used to pay for domain name registrations, renewals, subscriptions, transfers and any other services you may choose to purchase. It is important to maintain sufficient funds on your account to cover renewals and subscriptions - if you do not, you may run the risk of losing domain names or having your account downgraded. Reactivation fees may apply.

3. Can we charge our own prices for domain names?

You are entirely free to decide the prices you charge your customers for our products.

4. When will I be notified of my account running low?

In the Easynic control panel, there is an option to set a low balance warning level. When the funds in your account drop below this level, you will receive an email notification. It is important that you use an email address that you use regularly.

5. Can I resell your services without an advance payment?

It is not possible to become an Easynic reseller without depositing funds. If you do not wish to hold funds on your account, you may wish to consider using our partner site Easyspace for domain name registrations and hosting products.

6. I am located outside the United Kingdom, does VAT apply to me?

VAT is only applicable if the billing contact is given as residing in a European Union member state. If you are in a European Union country outside the United Kingdom, then you may also provide a VAT number and we will not charge VAT on your account.

7. Can I pay for domain name registrations using my credit or debit card?

We do not allow resellers to pay for domains individually via credit or debit card, unless you wish to pay the normal price. We can only give discounts on domain registrations paid for from a reseller account. If you wish to pay this way, you may wish to consider using our partner site Easyspace for domain name registrations.

Easynic Payment Process

In order to provision services through Easynic, a Reseller must have enough funds available in their account prior to processing the transactions. Easynic recommends depositing at least one (1) month worth of estimated transaction funds into their account in advance.

Reseller Activation Fee

Easynic does not charge an account activation or setup fee.

Monthly/Annual fees

Monthly/Annual fees are non-refundable.

If the reseller fails to pay monthly/annual fee within 21 days of when the payment was due, the account will be automatically switched to the Default Pricing and the account will need to be reactivated. Please see Default price plan table here.

Easynic reserve the right to suspend any websites hosted on a Reseller package should the account payment not be made within 21 days of the due date.

Deposit Methods

Easynic will accept account deposits by Credit Card, Debit Card and Wire transfer. We will not accept payments remitted in currencies other than GBP and USD.

Depending on the deposit method you choose and volume, applying the funds to your account balance could take up to 5 working days from receipt of funds.


Click here for current pricing.

Default Pricing Plan

Resellers will be contacted via email as soon as the account balance is low. The Reseller is advised to make a payment within 21 days from when the payment was due. If the reseller fails to make a payment, the Reseller account will be automatically switched to the Default Pricing plan.

*default pricing based on Easyspace products

Easynic Account Re-activation

In order to re-activate a reseller account, a reseller will be required to pay a one-off re-activation fee of £50.00.


1. What support do you offer resellers?

You can contact our support team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by the following methods:

  • Helpdesk:

    Telephone (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5.30pm only)
    0370 757 4243

  • Fax:

    0141 931 6785

  • Online Support:

    Visit the support area to access all Customer Support options

  • Blog:

    You can also keep up to date with domain registry maintenance and Easynic news at our Easynic blog.

Package Specific Terms

1. What kind of hosting comes with Easynic hosting packages?

Easynic hosting is provisioned on the latest hosting clusters. Software versions are up to date, and you can also choose to have either windows or Linux hosting, at no extra charge. Please click here for details.

2. What are the bandwidth rules for your hosting accounts?

Easynic offer unlimited non throttled bandwidth with its hosting accounts.

3. How do I pay monthly subscriptions?

Monthly subscriptions will be taken from funds placed in your Easynic account.

4. I have hosting accounts with Easyspace; can I move these to Easynic?

Operationally Easynic is a separate entity to Easyspace, hosting accounts are non transferable.